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Chia kheer pudding/チアキールプディング

執筆者の写真: Mamiko EdaMamiko Eda

This is one of variation of chia pudding.

recipe(2 portion)

  • 100ml coconut milk

  • 100ml almond milk

  • 10g chia seeds

  • 4tsp raw honey (or coconut nectar)

  • 20g cashew nuts (or walnut)

  • 20g rasin

  • 5 pice of cardamon

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

  • 1pinch of pink salt

  • goji berry , bee poren and mint for garnish

  1. Take out the skin of cardamon and finly chop the seed.

  2. Mix all ingredients except chia seed in the big bottle jar. Close he liid and shake it well.

  3. Add chia seed and again shake it. Keep it in fridge over night.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds, a plant in the mint family, is an ancient superfood that has been by the mayans, Aztecs and Incas.They used it as a staple food among corn, beans and amaranth.In fact, Chia means "strength" in the language of the Mayans. and was used for the messengers to run all day with the help of these tiny seeds.

Among all plant foods, it is one of the highest source of omega-3 essential fatty acid, and it has the most ideal well balanced ratio of omega 3 and 6.

Chia has easily digestible complete protein, antioxidants, fiber,  vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron.

It is highly hydrophilic as it absorbs water more than 10 times so that you get to stay hydrated. 

Chia's soluble fiber- stabilises blood sugar level by stabilizing blood glucose level and supports conditions of hypoglycemia and diabetes and therefore provides sustained energy.




レシピ (2人分)

  • 豆乳 100ml

  • ココナッツミルク 100ml

  • ローハニー(またはお好きな甘味料)小4

  • チアシード 10g

  • レーズン 20g

  • カシューナッツ または くるみ 20g

  • カルダモン 5個

  • シナモン 小1/2

  • 塩 ひとつまみ

  • ゴジベリー、ビーポーレン、ミント 適宜(飾り用)

  1. カルダモンの殻を割って包丁で細かく刻んでおく。

  2. チアシード以外の材料を大きめのガラス瓶に加えて蓋をしてよく振り混ぜる。

  3. チアシードを加えもう一度よく振り混ぜてから一晩冷蔵庫に置く。

  4. 器に盛って、ゴジベリー、ビーポーレンなどを上に飾る。














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