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Sprouted Buckwheat sourdough bread

執筆者の写真: Mamiko EdaMamiko Eda


This bread made from buckwheat sprout !It's gluten free and yeast free.

Buckwheat is a highly nutritious that many people consider to be a superfood. Among its health benefits, buckwheat may improve weight loss, and even help manage diabetes.

Buckwheat contains a variety of healthful nutrients.It is a good source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, and healthful complex carbohydrates.

Buckwheat contains flavonoids with significant health-promoting actions.Buckwheat's beneficial effects are due in part to its rich supply of flavonoids, particularlyrutin. Flavonoids are phytonutrients that protect against disease by extending the action of vitamin C and acting as antioxidants.


  • 200g buckwheat

  • 1/4 cup sourdough

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  1. Make buckwheat sprout. Rinse buckwheat and soak it in plenty of water overnight.After soaking, strain and wash thoroughly.Place the buckwheat in the stainer with bowl.and cover with cloth.Leave it at room temperature(13~21℃/55~70℉).Avoid the direct sunlight. Rinse 3~4 times in a day.

  2. Put all ingredients in the mixer and bread until smooth.

  3. Pour the bread dough in the bread mould and cover with wet cloth or practice warp to avoid drying.Keep it worm warm until it become doable amount.

  4. Bake it with oven.(in 210℃ 45min)

TIP:You can use your own sourdough.

There is one idea of my Gl free sour dough recipe below.

Sometimes I use cooked brown rice instead of flour for my sourdough.

Kombucha sourdough starter

  • 1 cup gluten free flour (e.g. 70 %buckwheat+30% rice flour)

  • 300ml water

  • 2TBSP kombucha (or wa kefir)

  1. Mix all ingredients and keep it in the glass jar sterilised in boiling water.Keep it room temperature around 8 hours until it become doable amount and bobbling.

  2. Next day add 100g gluten free flour and mix well and wait few hours until it become double.Then add do one time something.Starter is ready now!




  • 蕎麦の実 200g

  • 酵母の元種 1/4カップ

  • 塩 小1/2

  1. 蕎麦の実を発芽させる。蕎麦の実をたっぷりの水に一晩浸水する。ザルにあげて水気を切り、よく洗う。ザルごとボールに入れて、布巾等を被せて室温に置く。直射日光を避けて置き、1日に3〜4回ほど洗って水気を切る。気温にもよるが、1〜3日で発芽する。

  2. 材料を全てミキサーに入れて滑らかな生地になるまで攪拌する。

  3. 生地を型に入れて濡れ布巾やラップなどで覆い表面の乾燥を防ぎ、暖かいところに置いて発酵させる。(室温の場合は気温によっては1〜2日かかることも。)

  4. 生地の容積が約2倍になったら、210度に余熱したオーブンで45分焼く。












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